About Me

Hi! Pleasure to meet you 🙂

I’m a content creator on a mission to humanize the internet.

Armed with a smartphone, a psychology degree, and a passion for making human beings happy, I’m helping a generation of digital citizens reclaim their focus and mental health by learning to use the internet for good.

As a digital native, I was sucked into the social media rabbit hole at the age of 14. And after 7 years of struggling with addictive scrolling and a rapidly shrinking attention span, I finally learned to rebuild my relationship with the internet. Now — I’m working towards a meaningful purpose and can enjoy the technology without giving up control.

And I’m here to help you do the same.

You didn’t choose to be born in the age of infinite content. You didn’t choose to have your attention stolen from you by addictive algorithms that reduce you to advertising dollars. But we can do something about it.

I believe everyone can cultivate a meaningful relationship with social media without sacrificing their time, attention, or well-being.

Let’s find that balance together.

– Josh
